More than a hosting company

We respect your data and privacy

That comes with service(s) and/or product(s). Effective April 23, 2024

We want to make sure you have all the information you need. While we provide translations of our legal agreements and policies for your ease, please keep in mind that the English version is the official and most accurate one. Translations are just here to help you read and understand better, but they don’t have any legal weight. If there’s ever a misunderstanding, the English version will be the one that counts.

The terms of this disclaimer apply to the website of Pladinum Privacy SL in Marbella, Spain. Please read this disclaimer carefully. By accessing this website and using the information offered on or through this website, you agree to this disclaimer. In case of any conflict between the terms of specific products and services of Pladinum and this disclaimer, the terms of these products and services will prevail.

1. Use of the website

The information offered on or through this website may not be used in place of advice. Decisions based on this information are at your own risk and responsibility. Although Pladinum strives to provide accurate, comprehensive, and up-to-date information, Pladinum does not explicitly or implicitly guarantee that the information offered on or through this website is accurate, complete, or up-to-date.

By visiting this website or using the information or services offered on it, you are deemed to be familiar with and in agreement with the website conditions and privacy policy established by Pladinum.

This website has been constructed and formatted in accordance with the norms and techniques used by We recommend using the most recent versions of Firefox, Chrome, Safari, or Internet Explorer web browsers for optimal usage of the site.

2. Third-party information, products, and services

When Pladinum provides hyperlinks to third-party websites, it is important to note that this does not indicate any endorsement of the products or services offered on or through these websites. The use of such hyperlinks is entirely at your own risk. Pladinum hereby disclaims any liability for the content, use, or availability of such websites. Further, Pladinum has not verified the accuracy, truthfulness, reasonableness, reliability, or completeness of information on such websites.

3. Intellectual property rights

Pladinum (or the rightful owner) holds all intellectual property rights with regard to all information offered on or through this website, including all texts, graphic materials, and logos. It is not allowed to copy, download, or in any way make public, distribute or reproduce information from this website without prior written permission from Pladinum or the rightful owner. You may print and/or download information from this website for your own personal use.

4. Exclusion of Liability

Pladinum aanvaardt geen enkele aansprakelijkheid ten aanzien van directe, indirecte, bijzondere, incidentele, immateriële of gevolgschade (met inbegrip van gederfde winst), ongeacht of Pladinum op de mogelijkheid van deze schade gewezen is, die op enigerlei wijze voortvloeit uit, maar niet beperkt hoeft te zijn tot (i) defecten, virussen of overige onvolkomenheden aan apparatuur en andere software in verband met de toegang tot of het gebruik van deze internetsite, (ii) informatie die op of via deze internetsite wordt aangeboden, (iii) het onderscheppen, wijzigen of oneigenlijk gebruik van informatie die aan Pladinum of u wordt gezonden, (iv) de werking of het niet-beschikbaar zijn van deze internetsite, (v) misbruik van deze internetsite, (vi) verlies van gegevens, (vii) het downloaden of gebruiken van software die via deze internetsite beschikbaar wordt gesteld of (viii) aanspraken van derden in verband met gebruik van deze internetsite. De uitsluiting van aansprakelijkheid strekt mede ten gunste van bestuurders, medewerkers van Pladinum en de aan Pladinum gelieerde rechtspersonen.

5. Applicable Law

Spanish law applies to this website and we are confident that our disclaimer is in compliance with all relevant legislation. In the event of any disputes, we have full confidence that the competent court in Spain will provide a fair and appropriate solution. We are certain that our disclaimer has been formulated clearly and unambiguously in the Spanish language.

6. Changes

Pladinum reserves the right to modify the information presented on or through this website, including the content of this disclaimer, without prior notice. We highly advise checking frequently if any modifications have been made to the information available on or through this website, including the content of this disclaimer.

7. Contact

Should you have any inquiries or requests concerning personal data or this Privacy Policy, we kindly ask you to direct them to the following address:

Pladinum Privacy SL
Attn: Data Protection Team
Avenida de Manolete 3a
29660 Nueva Andalucia
Tel.: +34 613 23 11 33