Leverans, byte och retur
Vi tar hand om försändelsen
Fast, secure & discreet global shipping
Vi levererar webbshopprodukterna säkert över hela världen
Och på Pladinum kan du enkelt returnera eller byta en vara gratis inom 30 dagar efter att du mottagit den. Du kan hitta alla viktiga detaljer och svar på dina frågor om processen på vår hemsida. Begär helt enkelt byte eller retur om du behöver.
Rules for exchanging or canceling
- The product should be in its original, unused condition, as much as possible.
- The product should, if possible, come with undamaged packaging, all accessories, and any unread manuals.
Returning your earbuds?
For hygiene reasons, any earbuds returned must be unused. We cannot accept used items.
Don’t meet the rules?
If you think you don’t meet the rules, we have options. We inspect your product when it arrives and consider what we can offer. Please note, we may reduce the refund if there are clear signs of use beyond normal checking. The reduction amount will be looked at individually. You choose the best option for you and what to do with your product.