SSL 인증서

우수한 HTTPS를 사용하여 웹사이트 보안 유지

완벽한 SSL로 온라인 보안을 강화하세요. 전문가가 올바른 선택을 안내하고 방문자 보호에 대한 귀사의 의지를 보여줄 것입니다.

SSL 인증서를 통한 방문자와의 신뢰 구축

클릭 한 번으로 귀하의 웹사이트에 맞는 올바른 SSL 인증서를 선택하도록 도와드립니다.

SSL 인증서가 있으면 귀하의 웹사이트가 HTTPS 연결을 통해 안전하게 제공될 수 있으며, 브라우저에 작은 자물쇠가 표시됩니다. 이는 방문자의 신뢰를 높이고 Google에서 순위를 높입니다.

해커에게 기회를 주지 마세요

HTTPS 연결을 사용하면 해커가 로그인이나 결제 정보와 같은 귀중한 데이터를 손에 넣을 가능성이 없습니다.

GDPR 준수가 필요합니다

GDPR 준수를 보장하려면 개인 데이터를 전송할 때 HTTPS가 필수입니다.

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우커머스 플레이스홀더

방문자에게 SSL 인증서의 보안을 제공합니다.

"보안되지 않음" 오류 제거

웹 브라우저는 SSL 인증서가 없는 웹사이트를 "안전하지 않음"으로 표시합니다.

웹 브라우저의 보안 패드락 표시기

SSL 인증서를 사용하면 웹사이트에 자물쇠 아이콘이 표시되어 안전한 HTTPS 연결을 나타냅니다.

신뢰를 통해 매출을 늘리세요

귀하의 웹사이트를 신뢰하는 방문자는 주문을 하고, 견적을 요청하고, 양식을 작성하는 등의 작업을 할 가능성이 더 높습니다.

리뷰를 믿으세요

고객의 리뷰를 신뢰하세요
궁금한 점이 있으시거나 도움이 필요하신가요?

24/7/365 언제든지 채팅하세요 +34 613 23 11 33

귀하의 웹사이트 또는 애플리케이션에 맞는 SSL 플랜을 선택하세요

Secure your site, add trust and improve confidence for your visitors
Pladinum have the right certificate for all your site security needs. Select between Single SSL (to secure a domain, excluding subdomains) and Wildcard SSL (for a domain, covering all subdomains).

Single Domain validation is for example only for

도메인 유효성 검사

소규모 웹사이트와 전문 블로그에 적합합니다.
섹티고 SSL 로고
시작 위치
  • 도메인 유효성 검사
  • 10.000유로부터 보증
  • 256비트 암호화
  • 자물쇠 디스플레이
  • Google에서 더 높은 순위
  • 몇 분 안에 발급

조직 유효성 검사

개인 및 비공개 데이터를 수집하는 웹사이트에 이상적입니다.
섹티고 SSL 로고
시작 위치
  • 비즈니스 유효성 검사
  • 100.000유로부터 보증
  • 256비트 암호화
  • 자물쇠 디스플레이
  • Google에서 더 높은 순위
  • 2~4일 내 발급

확장 유효성 검사

온라인 결제를 허용하는 웹사이트에 이상적입니다.
섹티고 SSL 로고
시작 위치
  • 향상된 유효성 검사
  • 250.000유로부터 보증
  • 256비트 암호화
  • 자물쇠 디스플레이
  • Google에서 더 높은 순위
  • 2~4일 내 발급

Multiple Domain validation is for example only for,,

도메인 유효성 검사

소규모 웹사이트와 전문 블로그에 적합합니다.
섹티고 SSL 로고
시작 위치
  • 도메인 유효성 검사
  • From € 50.000 Warranty
  • 256비트 암호화
  • Included 3 domains
  • Max 210 domains
  • 자물쇠 디스플레이
  • Google에서 더 높은 순위
  • 몇 분 안에 발급

조직 유효성 검사

개인 및 비공개 데이터를 수집하는 웹사이트에 이상적입니다.
섹티고 SSL 로고
시작 위치
  • 비즈니스 유효성 검사
  • 250.000유로부터 보증
  • 256비트 암호화
  • Included 3 domains
  • Max 210 domains
  • 자물쇠 디스플레이
  • Google에서 더 높은 순위
  • Issued in 48 hours

확장 유효성 검사

온라인 결제를 허용하는 웹사이트에 이상적입니다.
섹티고 SSL 로고
시작 위치
  • 향상된 유효성 검사
  • 250.000유로부터 보증
  • 256비트 암호화
  • Included 3 domains
  • Max 210 domains
  • 자물쇠 디스플레이
  • Google에서 더 높은 순위
  • Issued in 48 hours

Wildcard Domain validation is for example only for *

도메인 유효성 검사

소규모 웹사이트와 전문 블로그에 적합합니다.
섹티고 SSL 로고
시작 위치
  • 도메인 유효성 검사
  • From € 50.000 Warranty
  • 256비트 암호화
  • Included 3 domains
  • Max 210 domains
  • 자물쇠 디스플레이
  • Google에서 더 높은 순위
  • 몇 분 안에 발급

조직 유효성 검사

개인 및 비공개 데이터를 수집하는 웹사이트에 이상적입니다.
섹티고 SSL 로고
시작 위치
  • 비즈니스 유효성 검사
  • 250.000유로부터 보증
  • 256비트 암호화
  • Included 3 domains
  • Max 210 domains
  • 자물쇠 디스플레이
  • Google에서 더 높은 순위
  • Issued in 48 hours

Code signing certificates validate software authenticity

조직 유효성 검사

섹티고 SSL 로고
시작 위치
  • € 0,00 Warranty
  • 256비트 암호화
  • Issued in 1 to 3 days

확장 유효성 검사

섹티고 SSL 로고
시작 위치
  • € 0,00 Warranty
  • 256비트 암호화
  • Issued in 1 to 5 days

Installation assistance

Our team is available 24/7 to help you install your SSL certificate for free.

Free reissue at no cost

If you lost your SSL certificate details, we will send them to you again for free.

환불 보장

You may request a full refund of your purchase if you are not completely satisfied.

Types of SSL/TLS certificates

There are several types of different SSL certificates. While all provide the same level of TLS encryption, they serve different purposes and are used in different context.

도메인 유효성 검사 DV

If you are just beginning or aiming to utilize the SSL certificate to secure your personal website or blog, the Domain Validated SSL (DV) would typically be sufficient. In this case, all traffic is encrypted, yet no further validation is performed. DV certificates are suitable for straightforward websites such as blogs, personal websites, and one-page websites. Avoid using a DV SSL certificate for eCommerce or other applications that necessitate a higher level of trust.

우커머스 플레이스홀더
우커머스 플레이스홀더

Organisation Validated OV

If you conduct business online, it is recommended to utilize an OV SSL certificate. When managing customer data, organisation validation (OV) ensures that the certificate is issued by your organization and that the domain is owned by you, not a third party. This measure enhances security for your business and customers by safeguarding against phishing attempts. Implementing organisation validation is an effective method to protect a company website, forum, or any site with a login page that doesn’t handle payment information. By encrypting customers’ usernames and passwords during transmission, end-to-end security is maintained.

Extended Validation EV

For the highest level of security and trust on your website, opt for an extended validation (EV) certificate. eCommerce sites require EV for genuine website verification and secure payment data. Trusted by banks, major eCommerce entities, and government agencies.

우커머스 플레이스홀더
Pladinum Managed services

Ensure browsers does not display a warning message for my website

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Single domain (DV)


Protection for one domain
For a website that does not transmit any user data or payment information, a Domain Validated SSL Certificate is the right choice.

  • Padlock in the address bar
  • Quick and easy activation
  • 10.000유로부터 보증

ssl dv price

Order SSL >
Pladinum Managed services

Website online transaction security

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Extended Validation (EV)


Protection for online retailers
Ideal for webshops/websites that accept online payments.

  • Secure your main and subdomains
  • Padlock in the address bar
  • Quick and easy activation
  • 250.000유로부터 보증

extended ssl ev price

Order Wildcard SSL >
Pladinum Managed services

Domain and subdomains protection

Learn more >

Wildcard SSL (DV)


Protection for multiple subdomain
For a website with multiple subdomains, a Wildcard SSL certificate is the right choice.

  • Secure your main and subdomains
  • Padlock in the address bar
  • Quick and easy activation
  • 100.000유로부터 보증

wildcard ssl dv price

Order Wildcard SSL >

FAQ about SSL Certificates

도움이 필요하세요? 저희 지원팀이 디지털 세계로 나아가기 전에 질문에 답변해 드립니다.

Choosing the appropriate SSL certificate is dependent on your circumstances. Broadly speaking, you have two alternatives.

  • Domain Validation (DV): If you are an individual seeking a secure website, an SSL certificate with domain validation is sufficient.
  • Organization Validation (OV): For businesses or those engaged in commercial activities, it is recommended to opt for an SSL certificate with extended validation. This will incorporate detailed company information in the SSL certificate, allowing visitors to gain insight into the organization behind the website. This transparency fosters trust and enhances sales performance.

Building trust is crucial for a web store. An SSL certificate with extended validation is essential to show that the company is reliable and transactions are secure. Choose wisely to increase sales by 25%!

An SSL certificate is a digital security feature that protects data shared between your website and visitors sent, such as passwords, contact details, payment details and other sensitive information. It keeps sensitive information safe from hackers. The padlock icon or “https” in the browser shows your website is secure.

SSL certificates are crucial, not only for the protection of users, but also for search engine optimization (SEO) and website visibility. Since August 2014, Google has conveyed that SSL should be implemented to ensure both in-house and the Internet at large are safer. For this reason, Google gives preference to websites with valid SSL certificates, with their algorithms consistently ranking SSL-enabled websites higher in search results.

While Google still considers other factors important in ranking websites, the security of a website is essential for its success. It is probable that even more weight will be given to user safety in the future. Acquiring an SSL certificate allows you to provide your customers with confidence in the security of their personal information and helps boost your website’s ranking above those without SSL. Your customers will value the trust and assurance your website exudes, encouraging them to return repeatedly.

Sectigo is the SSL provider of Pladinum. Sectigo is a reputable company specializing in Internet security. By choosing an SSL from Sectigo, you will benefit from:

  • Ongoing investment in enhanced security
  • Comprehensive compensation in case of any mishaps
  • A 90-day money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied
  • Free reissue in case of a spelling mistake or loss of the SSL certificate

Cheap SSL certificates (e.g. a free SSL certificate issued by Let’s Encrypt) have some limitations compared to the more expensive ones.

Affordable SSL certificates do not allow for comprehensive validation, meaning that organizational details cannot be incorporated into them. Consequently, your visitors will have less confidence in you. Limited trust leads to restricted sales, which is why online retailers should refrain from utilizing inexpensive SSL certificates. An SSL certificate with extended validation ensures at least a 25% increase in sales.

A complimentary SSL certificate, such as those issued by Let’s Encrypt, is only suitable for a website. For file servers, applications, emails, and similar purposes, a paid SSL certificate is necessary.

Moreover, you cannot utilize a Wildcard SSL certificate for all your subdomains. Therefore, a premium certificate (such as one with extended validation) is advisable in this case as well.

Furthermore, with a cheap SSL certificate, you are unable to include the Sectigo Trust Seal on your payment page. By including their emblem, your visitors will have greater trust in you.

Lastly, if you opt for a free SSL certificate, you will not be entitled to any compensation in the event of misuse.

Submitting an application for an SSL certificate is a straightforward process. Begin by submitting your application through our website, and we will manage all further steps. Depending on the validation type you select (domain validation, organization validation, or extended validation), your application will either be promptly processed or your organization will undergo verification shortly thereafter. This verification is essential for organization validation or extended validation to confirm the legitimacy of the requesting company. Only upon successful verification will the company details be incorporated into the certificate.