Dedicated Server Hosting
Next-gen servers with high performance for your business
Harkitse hallittua dedikoitua web-hostingia, jos haluat korkeat prosessointivaatimukset ja vertaansa vailla olevan tehon, jossa on täysin pääkäyttäjän oikeudet ja korkea suorituskyky, joka on optimoitu projektillesi.
- Optional: Fully Managed Dedicated Server
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What is dedicated server hosting?
A dedicated server is a physical server set aside just for you. The main benefit of a dedicated server, compared to a virtual server (VPS), is its better management of physical resources (RAM and CPU), which provides much more power and allows websites to run faster than on other server types.
Which types of dedicated servers do you offer?
At Pladinum, we offer different types of Dedicated Server hosting for your business. There are three types of dedicated servers: managed dedicated servers, unmanaged dedicated servers, and bare metal servers. Below, we explain more about them.
Why do I need dedicated server hosting?
With a dedicated server, you are allocated a physical server and utilize physical resources instead of virtual ones. In addition to enjoying superior performance, you also receive a unique IP address, meaning that performance is not reliant on other clients, as you are the sole user of the server.
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Dedicated server hosting FAQ
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