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Our well written articles to guide yourself

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Can I get a domain name with privacy registration?
Yes you can. The WHOIS protection is for free and could be enabled by default. We suggest to use our anonymous nameserver too for more privacy.
My domain name is registered through another provider. Can I let them use your nameservers?
It is possible to purchase a hosting package while the domain name is registered elsewhere. If you have a hosting package with us, you can use our name servers. You can then find the correct settings below or via the control panel.

خادم الأسماء الافتراضي
ns1.pladinum.com عنوان IPv4:
ns2.pladinum.com عنوان IPv4:
ns3.pladinum.com عنوان IPv4:

anonymous nameserver
mcoming soon
اسم النطاق الخاص بي في الحجر الصحي. ماذا يعني هذا؟
If your domain name is in quarantine, it means that it is 'frozen'. Before a domain name is fully released for registration, it usually enters a quarantine period. This gives the last owner of the domain name the option to undo this deletion. If you would like to have your domain name removed from quarantine, please contact us via the contact form below.

They can give you more information about the correct procedure and the costs. Only the owner of the domain name is authorized to have the domain removed from quarantine. For this, in addition to the request to remove the domain name from quarantine, we also need a scan/copy of the owner's proof of ownership of the domain name like payment transaction.
هل يمكنني نقل اسم النطاق الخاص بي إذا كان به قفل نقل؟
لا يمكن نقل اسم النطاق إذا كان لديه ما يسمى بقفل النقل. مثل هذه الحالة تمنع نقل اسم النطاق. يمكنك إزالة القفل بنفسك.

See also هل يمكنني إزالة قفل النقل من اسم النطاق الخاص بي؟
هل يمكنني إزالة قفل النقل من اسم النطاق الخاص بي؟
Yes, this is possible via the control panel at https://cp.pladinum.com. When you are logged in, click on the relevant domain name under 'Domains'. Behind the domain name, click on locked key icon. You can now indicate that the domain name will be transferred. As soon as you save this, our system knows that you wish to transfer your domain name and will therefore automatically remove the transfer lock.
هل يمكنني نقل اسم نطاقي داخليًا إلى عميل آخر؟
نعم، هذا ممكن عن طريق دفع النطاق إلى عميل آخر.

See also How can I transfer my subscriptions to another customer of yours?
هل يمكنني تسجيل عدة أسماء نطاقات أو نقلها في نفس الوقت؟
You can order multiple domain names at the same time via the control panel at https://cp.pladinum.com. Once you are logged in, click on Domains then Bulk registration. You can now check multiple domain names for availability with the 'Check several domain names at the same time' option.
Can I forward my website visitors to another address?
Yes, this is possible. Your visitors can be forwarded at address level using a so-called WWW pointer. You can set up this WWW pointer via the control panel at https://cp.pladinum.com. Once you are logged in, click on the relevant domain name under the 'Domains' option. Then click Manage WWW pointer. Here you can specify a website address (URL) to which visitors to your domain name should be forwarded. If your domain name does not yet have a WWW pointer, the domain's DNS records will be adjusted when setting the pointer. As a result, it may take several hours (up to 24 hours) before the pointer is fully functional. The WWW pointer will not function if you do not use our name servers. Our WWW pointers support URL masking.
لقد نقلت استضافتي إلى مكان آخر. هل يمكنني توجيه اسم نطاقي إلى هذا؟
من الممكن توجيه اسم نطاقك إلى مزوِّد استضافة آخر. لهذا، يجب تعديل خوادم الأسماء أو سجلات DNS لاسم النطاق. يمكنك طلب البيانات التي يجب أن تستخدمها من المزوِّد الذي يستضيف/يستضيف موقعك على الويب.
How do I transfer a domain name to you?
If you are already a customer, you can place a new order via the control panel at https://www.pladinum.com. Once you are logged in, click on Order.

Not yet a customer? Then you can use the domain checker via the https://www.pladinum.com/domains/transfer-domain-name/ to transfer your domain name.
كيف يمكنني تغيير تفاصيل صاحب اسم النطاق الخاص بي؟
You can change the holder details of your domain name via the control panel at https://cp.pladinum.com. Once you are logged in, click on the relevant domain name under the Domains option. Then click on 'Change holder details and/or contact persons. For some extensions, you will be charged if this information changes. This is indicated when changing this data.
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